
Arrive AI Successfully Tests Fully Automated Drone Delivery at Artomobilia 2024

CARMEL, Ind., Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In what was reviewed as a "super cool" demonstration last weekend, a winner of last weekend's ARTOMOBILIA received his trophy by drone delivery to an Arrive AI mailbox. What neither he nor other attendees realized was that the transaction was fully automated.

Arrive AI has delivered food, beer and other items in past demonstrations in Indiana and across the country, but in each of those actions, a human being was fully engaged in piloting the drone and operating mechanics to lower the package into the mailbox. This time, a human pressed a button and the machines did all the work.

"This is a big deal - an Aha! Moment, if you will," said Arrive AI CEO Dan O'Toole. "It really shows you our vision of a push-button, human-free delivery system, and it went off without a hitch." 


Meet Dan O'Toole: Innovator and CEO of Arrive AI