
Arrive AI as seen on America's Next Investment

Arrive AI Inc. is the world's first and only secure, smart mailbox. With patented technology powered by artificial intelligence, Arrive Points can send and receive packages via drone, ground robots, driverless vehicle and traditional mail carrier.

With plans to go public Summer of '24, now is the time for investors to be a part of Arrive AI's growth from the ground floor.

In this episode of ANI, Louise Houghton talks with Arrive AI CEO & Chairman Dan O'Toole, CSO Neerav Shah and CFO Todd Pepmeier. In the interviews, Dan, Neerav and Todd talk about the idea & development, secured patents, the prevention of porch pirates stealing packages, AI & technology and how people will be able to subscribe to the Mailbox-as-a-Service (MaaS) platform.

Invest Now: https://www.picmiicrowdfunding.com/de...

Learn More: https://www.arriveai.com/invest


Meet Dan O'Toole: Innovator and CEO of Arrive AI


Good Samaritan and Arrive Demonstrate Smart Mailboxes